Glass for Europe: Addressing Eco-Innovations Approval Consultation

by GlassBalkan
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Empowering Efficiency: Glass for Europe Elevates Vehicle Cabin Air Conditioning

In the pursuit of sustainable transport solutions, Glass for Europe members are at the forefront of revolutionizing vehicle cabin air conditioning efficiency. Their commitment to enhancing energy efficiency through cutting-edge glazing products has set a new standard in eco-innovation. Here, we delve into their response to the consultation on the latest eco-innovation implementing legislation, shedding light on the critical steps needed to maximize CO2 emissions savings with advanced automotive glazing.

Recognizing the Impact

One key facet of the new implementing legislation is the acknowledgment of gains in air conditioning efficiency. As mobile air conditioning (MAC) technologies become increasingly commonplace, this recognition paves the way for potential reductions in CO2 emissions across the spectrum of new vehicles. However, a crucial aspect that requires clarity is the evaluation of the influence of third-party components, such as advanced glazing, on MAC efficiency when assessing the impact of innovative technologies.

Redefining Innovation

The legislation defines “innovative technology” with a cap of 3% inclusion in vehicles during year n-4 (where ‘n’ signifies the application year). While this aims to promote forward-thinking solutions, it inadvertently sidelines CO2-reducing technologies that, although not yet widespread, are far from niche. To foster an environment conducive to all CO2-cutting technologies not yet mainstream, the threshold should be less restrictive, enabling advanced glazing solutions to seamlessly access the eco-innovation framework.

Extending the Reach

Beyond the scope of this legislation lies electric vehicle (EV) innovation, a vital aspect of our sustainable future. It is imperative that the eco-innovation scheme extends its reach to incentivize energy-efficient technologies within EVs and curtail the overall electricity consumption of these vehicles.

For a comprehensive understanding of the positive impact of advanced glazing systems on both internal combustion engine vehicles and EVs, consult the Glass for Europe position paper.

Source: Glass for Europe with additional information added by GlassBalkan

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