O-I Joins World Environment Day: Championing Solutions to Plastic Pollution

by GlassBalkan
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O-I Joins World Environment Day: Championing Solutions to Plastic Pollution

On Monday, June 5, 2023, O-I Glass Inc., a global leader in glass packaging, proudly joined the worldwide movement to celebrate and address the urgent environmental challenges on World Environment Day. Established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 1973, this significant event serves as a catalyst for raising awareness and driving global action. This year’s theme, designated by UNEP, focuses on finding innovative solutions to plastic pollution.

Glass: A Sustainable Solution

In the fight against plastic pollution, it is crucial for governments, cities, industries, and individuals worldwide to reduce their reliance on unnecessary plastic. One sustainable solution lies in embracing products packaged in glass.

Glass: A Transformative Material

Glass has revolutionized various aspects of our lives, from enhancing cityscapes, architecture, and vehicle design to enabling high-speed digital connectivity. Beyond aesthetics and functionality, glass plays a pivotal role in our relationship with food and beverages. Its unique qualities not only ensure healthy, long-lasting packaging but also allow for distinctive and brand-defining designs. However, the positive impact of glass extends far beyond its surface.

Why Glass Matters

Glass stands out as the most sustainable rigid packaging material, offering compelling advantages in the battle against plastic pollution. Consider the following four reasons:

1. Infinitely Recyclable: Glass has a long-standing tradition of being recycled extensively, with no loss in quality or purity. Its endless recyclability supports the circular economy, as recycled glass can be transformed into new containers over and over again. Furthermore, using just 10 percent recycled glass in the manufacturing process reduces emissions by 5 percent.

2. Reusable: Glass is incredibly easy to clean, sterilize, and reuse. Refillable glass bottles can be commercially reused up to 25 times or more, promoting a sustainable and efficient lifecycle. Glass containers also often find new life in personal use, thanks to their durability and timeless appeal.

3. Inert and Chemical-Free: Unlike other materials, glass remains inert and does not interact with the contents it holds. With glass packaging, concerns about microplastics are eliminated. Additionally, at the end of its life cycle, if not recycled, glass naturally decomposes without releasing harmful chemicals into the environment.

4. Reduced Environmental Footprint: The sustainability of a product relies on the eco-friendliness of its manufacturing process. Glass production requires fewer resources and less energy compared to other packaging materials. Moreover, the supply chains for glass are often localized, further minimizing its environmental impact. Continuous advancements in lightweighting technologies and innovative manufacturing processes further solidify glass as an increasingly sustainable packaging choice.

O-I: Leading the Way in Glass Packaging

With a rich heritage spanning over a century, O-I stands at the forefront of glass packaging innovation. As a leading producer of glass bottles and jars in 19 countries, O-I employs a diverse team of approximately 24,000 professionals dedicated to driving positive change. Committed to being the most innovative, sustainable, and preferred supplier of brand-building packaging solutions, O-I actively contributes to a greener future.

By aligning with the spirit of World Environment Day, O-I reaffirms its steadfast commitment to preserving our planet for generations to come. Through relentless innovation and a sustainable mindset, O-I continues to redefine the possibilities of glass packaging, making it a driving force in the transition to a plastic-free future.

Join O-I in championing glass as a sustainable solution and be part of the global movement to combat plastic pollution.

Source: O-I Glass Inc. with additional information added by GlassBalkan

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