Empowering Sustainability: Glass for Europe Urges Accelerated Window Replacement for Energy-Efficient Buildings

by GlassBalkan
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Amid the Renovation Week by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, Glass for Europe advocates for heightened focus on high-performance glazing and windows replacement to boost energy efficiency and well-being in buildings.

As the Renovation Week kicks off under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, Glass for Europe unveils its second video as part of its policy Manifesto. The video underscores the crucial role of upgrading windows and glazing in buildings to align with the EU Renovation Wave. Featuring insights from industry experts Jean Ries of Guardian Glass Europe and Davide Cappellino of AGC Glass Europe, the video emphasizes the manifold benefits of window replacement, spanning improved well-being, energy savings, and reduced CO2 emissions from buildings.

Despite recent legislative enhancements through revisions of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and the Energy Efficiency Directive, Glass for Europe asserts the need for additional measures to accelerate renovations. The focus is on ensuring swift implementation of revised Directives with clear guidelines and the expedited drafting of Member States’ National Building Renovation Plans to align with elevated ambitions. Targeted initiatives, particularly in areas yielding significant energy savings, are advocated, with windows and glazing replacement topping the list due to their direct impact on health and comfort. Glass for Europe also calls for continued attention to life-cycle analysis in building construction and renovation, emphasizing the importance of reduced carbon footprint in building materials.

This video is part of Glass for Europe’s comprehensive manifesto titled ‘A mandate to focus on enabling sustainable transformation,’ comprising five videos introducing key policy priorities for the upcoming term. Subsequent videos will explore additional areas in the weeks to come.

Source: Glass for Europe with additional information added by GlassBalkan

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